It's been along while... been slacking off on hobby because of D3, as most of my mate rage quitting D3, I slowly slide back to hobby... Painted up my Vindy, sand based my zerkers and also half-hearted-ly started to work with Sally again (though fail)
Today, I took part of an awesome, awesome hobby event -
Legio Malaysia's 4th Birthday Bash, (I was there last year when I'm very very green in hobby, didn't manage to take part much due to my lack of preparation...) though making my mate Hakim losing straight for three round wimme (Sorry mate! I promise with the new chaos codex, we shall reign this event (hopefully not as Death Dealer again) next year=p), it a fun ride!
And I mange to score something this time around
(nevermind the red one, you don't want to know what's it awarded for...)
A big thanks for Khairul, Arzmi, and Jeff (The organizers =))
Not to forget Hakim (and all the opponent) who put up with my lack of understanding for rules =p
Ah, and Iqbal, Shukor (for sacrificing their fun time for photographing and other errant), and
Chang (of MaGaCon fame) for his BBQ goodness!
Some picture that I manage to snap from my phone:
(and the Gretchin(or is it grot?) that painted by Alvin's the other half, damn, I did not manage to snap a clear picture of it due to the casing actually reflected the light)
My Little Pony Emperor Children Marine
(nevermind this...)
Iqbal's "Mortarion", maybe I should buy one of this too and mod this to the pose of
this picture
The NMM on this piece make my attempt on NMM looks like the effort of 3 years old children~_~"
I suppose this is painted by
LordAK (and YES, he sapu most of the Golden Kris entry this year!)
I found this familiar.... but not sure who did this... Joe?
I would assume anything Tau is from Jake, kekekekekeke
Yup, not sure who did this as well ~_~
Lord AK's
Accidently caught my partner Hakim in camera when I attempt to capture Chris Goh's IG (that terrorize us marines with 14 melta guns, "Mere Mortal? what do you mean by mere mortal?")
Chris partner's Blood Angel (Hakim's should do bro fist with these guys instead of joining my heresy... LOL)
Hakim's Blood Angel (my most frequent sparring partner)
Hakim's Storm Raven, dude! bolo this to me one day, I free hand the pilot for you! (but don't regret when the pilot turns out to sport some spiky bit on it and chanting "blood for the blood god..." from time to time..)
BLee's partner (err.. Edward?) Grey Knights
BLee's Ultramarine
Jake's Tau (these little guys (what unit name huh?) just refuse to die!)
Marcus's converted techmarine (it is a techmarine, right?)
I'm seriously curious what is the scratched built model that field beside Zoantrope
(Quote Brother Sergeant Hakim, Blood Angel : "It sure look nasty")
OMGBBQ... this is a *lot* of scarab!
Carl's Nob Biker (woot! dude! you just bring 9 models to take part! bring moar!!!!! if they are not meant to be on gaming table, place them on GK judging table!!!11!!!)
Carl's Partner's Black Templar
(Thank Chaos God Boon Kin actually know the rules, or else we might be staring at each other with blank eye for the whole first round... LOL)
I believe this is Joe's Necron (I dig how he paint the wraith)
LordAK's Dark Eldar.. thats... alot of Raider.. seriously this is 800pts?
Iqbal's awesome conversion/interpretation of dreadknight
LordAK's Dark Eldar Jet Fighter (this year's Large Model winner^^)
Alvin's camo tank =)
Jake's nids (this is actually kinda nice...)
That's all folks. Till next time, adios! (I'm actually kinda tired dy =p)