I'm so sleepy that I cant even form sentence, so I will do this in point form instead :
- Friday, visit Legio again, manage to start painting my Golden Kris entry, the Khorne guy with BFA
- Friday, ask Syamael for a game on Sunday while I'm abit tipsy =p
- Friday, got back from Legio, downed another 3 can of carlsberg, stay up until 3a.m-ish playing games
- Saturday, sleep, wake up, lunch, sleep, wake up, dinner
- Saturday (after dinner), finally make up my mind to get a Necron Battleforce and Codex just for the sake of taking part in Legio K3 and performing the bro-fist with Blood Angle, will be partner be Hakim, another newcomer
- Continue painting my Khorne guy until 1am something
- Could be sleeping too much... I.SUFFER.INSOMNIA
- Continue painting my Khorne guy until 4am something
- Sunday, Syamael gimme a ring... he is @ forge already, OMGWTFBBQ, send my laundry to FLGD (frenly local good dobi), eh..belum buka, so just go straight to fore
- Sunday, TA again by space wolf on turn 3 =p (Thanks for the game Syamael, I think I start to get a hang of it...)
- Sunday, Iqbal dropping by
- Sunday, meet up with Hakim, a pact is formed (via BA/Necron bro-fist)... gotta allocate some hobby fund for a Necron Battleforce+HQ and Codex, paint them decently, and maybe sell it off after K3 for more chaos stuff...
- Sunday, rush back from Alvin's to FLGB, OMGWTFBBQ, not open today??!!
- Sunday, got a piece of terrain from Alvin's, primed it black, half way, raining cat and dog... manage to save it in time. This should be a fun piece to paint, will paint it Chaos style =__,=
- Sunday, cincai cincai snap a picture of WIP Khorne guy, post this blog entry
As usual, consider the below average picture quality as teaser for GK entry
Planning to do this piece purely NMM style (with OSL throw into mix for good measure), you might notice the axe is actually painted in NMM, trying NMM on the other metallic part, not quite satisfy, might redo it.
Outstanding Hobby Stuff :
- Terrain
- Submit registration for K3 on next Friday
- Necron thingy - come up with a list and see whether should go for Battleforce and decide which lord
- Sally
- Khorne Guy
Conclusion : Action packed hobby week. Could be annoyingly busy for the coming weeks. Sleepy.